Monday, June 22, 2009


some pics from vbs, pool, jazz, etc. general summer mayhem.

i have been doing VERY little scrapbooking lately, and it's making me sad! i mean, i LOVE all the things about summer that keep me from scrapping (baseball, pool, JAZZ, or just being outside w/ the kids!) but i still miss it. i mean, between all that and trying to keep us from being buried alive by laundry, i just have hardly any time to devote to scrapping! and when i do have time, it seems like i'm just exhausted, or having scrapper's block or something! do any of you find yourselves having a similar problem in the summer??



Jessica Wilson said...

I have been feeling like that for the past week! Thankfully, I got a bunch of goodies and two new books in the mail maybe I'll get inspired to do something! Love ya and can't wait to see you all. Love, Jess

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeeeeeee the photos!! HOW FUN! :):):):):):):):):):)